Bride Vs Groom » Wedding Experiences & Guidance for the Bride & Groom

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Bride Vs Groom

Bride Vs Groom, Wedding BlogHi, my name’s Matt. Two years ago I’d never been to a wedding and had absolutely no idea how the whole thing works. On Christmas eve 2010 I proposed to Dominique, a wedding photographer… little did I know what I was letting myself in for!

We’ve been together a long time, we first started going out when we were 17. She is undoubtedly the love of my life and I can’t wait for her to be my wife, but when I got down on one knee and said those four little words I had no idea how much it was going to take over my life. I guess like most guys I saw the proposal as a stage in our relationship: a tangible commitment, a promise that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. A happy stage that would probably see us through for a while before we started to think about the actual wedding itself. As it turned out, the “engagement honeymoon” lasted about 3hrs… roughly the time it took before we told her family the happy news! This blog is here to tell the story of what’s happened since with the wedding preparations since that fateful day but also to share your stories, your memories, giving you the story from both perspectives. This, my friends, is the tale of the Bride vs the Groom.

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