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Classic Posts: Don’t Panic, Don’t Panic… OK PANIC!!!!

Bride Vs Groom, Wedding Blog

As New Year is approaching we thought we’d take the opportunity to look back on some of our best wedding advice posts from the past for anyone who might have missed them the first time around. Today’s is a post written less than a week before our own wedding with a few tips on how to get all of those last minute wedding jobs finished in time! We hope you enjoy…

The key to planning a wedding is to keep calm at all times. As I always say to Dom, getting yourself into a stress about all the stuff still to do helps no-one, you just have to work through methodically, get yourself a to-do list and work your way through surely and steadily. After all, when you think about it most tasks are probably only 5-minute jobs… relax, there’s still plenty of time! I mean for us we’re not even getting on the plane for the wedding until…


The wedding has always seemed a long way away. Sure we needed to do some bits but we’ve always had ages to get it all done. The trouble is, with less than a week until we fly time is officially running out!! They may only be five minute jobs but as it turns out in the life of a videographer/technician/blogger/tea-maker five minutes rarely actually presents itself! S0, with time pressing what exactly is the plan?

1. Drink A LOT of tea. Actually let’s face it, Whisky may be required!

2. Make a new to-do list: Ok technically this is a to-do list but after finishing this to-do list I definitely need another one… Stop speculating about all the stuff that needs doing and make a list of what ACTUALLY needs doing… we definitely keep panicking about things that are already in hand unnecessarily!

3. PRIORITISE! Forget the wild unachievable ideas. We’ve had many ideas we thought would be cool, 90% of them were always unachievable… now is definitely the time to forget about them!

4. Enlist some happy helpers! We’ve not been short of offers but seem to keep deferring claiming “oh don’t worry, we can do that, we don’t want to bother you!” Well perhaps now is the time to accept that we can’t do that and maybe we need them to be bothered!

5. Ask the professionals. There’s plenty of things we figured we’d be able to work out how to do ourselves, but now is not the time to be working out how to do things from scratch! The pros are pros for a reason – they know exactly how to do it and how to do it quickly and efficiently and to a very high standard! When you’re short of time don’t mess around; call in the big guns!!

So, time is ticking away but WE WILL GET IT ALL DONE!!! Who needs sleep anyway?! Over-rated!

Now where’s that suitcase I had in the days I used to go on holiday?!

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