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Marriage is the Union Between Two People, and That’s Worth Celebrating.

matt-avatar WhitenedToday marks the introduction of the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act, making this the first day that two people of the same sex can register their intent to marry after the usual 15 day notification period. Marriage is no longer just the union between a man and a woman but the union between two people; a simple change in wording that for so many couples so in love makes all the difference in the world. 

Civil partnerships have of course been around in the UK for many years now and for those partaking in them have always been treated as entering into a marriage. But being able to tell the world that you are married is quite different from being able to tell the world that you enjoy the same legal rights as a married couple. Marriage isn’t about legalities, it’s about love and we have no right whatsoever to deny any two people their opportunity to express it nor in any way reduce its significance. Same sex couples have always deserved the right to be treated the same as anyone else and whilst I celebrate equality finally being instilled in our great nation it astonishes me that it has taken so long for us to reach this day.

Of course many have objected for all kinds of reasons, from perhaps understandable religious objections to downright preposterous claims of weather related retaliation. We pride ourselves on this blog of being as fair and balanced as possible in every argument we make, but on the issue of same-sex marriage we have yet to find a counter-argument we feel valid enough to present. For those who would argue on the grounds of Christian beliefs I would quote John 4:16 – “God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God lives in them.” For those who are simply uncomfortable on a personal level with the idea of a same sex marriage please do feel free to marry someone of the opposite sex yourself and thereby avoid the problem altogether.

But the time for debate has passed and the new rules are now in force. So for those same sex couples looking forward to finally declaring to the world that they are happily married CONGRATULATIONS and may your marriage be blessed with joy and happiness. For those already married abroad for whom today marks the first day their marriage will be recognised in this country we’re sorry it took so long. And to those who fought to bring this change around we commend you on your efforts.

We may not yet live in a truly equal and fair society but today marks a big step along the way.

marriage is the union between two people

image by York Place Studios

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