Last week I wrote a post about how much I love Christmas. It’s true, I do! I love the festive spirit, the decorations, the songs, the goodwill and the look on my family’s faces when they open their presents. Trouble is in my Christmas enthusiasm I had rather skipped over the unfortunate bit that comes before the joy of everyone opening their presents – buying them in the first place.
Now my family are all amazing, I love them to bits and find each and every one of them to be very interesting people to know and to talk to. The only problem is that interesting though they might be they all seem to be slightly lacking in actual specific interests, or at least interests that can be converted into physical Christmas presents. Actually that’s not strictly true… my mum loves to read (and therefore has a Kindle already stacked with a vast library of every book she could possibly want), my dad loves gadgets which used to make him easy to find presents for until he went on a gadget buying frenzy meaning he now owns every gadget I could possibly consider buying for him and my wife, as you may have noticed, is rather into photography, but as the only photography related item currently on her shopping list is a £7000 camera this doesn’t open up too many possibilities for a poor church mouse with a cheese-loving wife like me.
I have to confess though that I can’t blame them too much for their lack of obvious gifts as suddenly I find that I’m hardly easy to buy for either. For years I was the one person in our family that nobody struggled to buy for; there was always something I wanted, whether it be computer games, DVD’s, gadgets or, let’s face it, Lego! But with a blog and a new business to take care of I find my games consoles gathering dust and my DVD uptake somewhat lagging… I have to admit despite being a big Doctor Who fan I’m currently an entire Doctor behind the pace!
Now until recently I was a bit of a skeptic about online shopping but then I saw that Amazon (who can barely manage to deliver anything by the 1930’s technology of a man in a van) now plan to deliver their products by flying robots directly to our doors. The idea is so preposterous that I kind of want to encourage them to pursue it… after all that’s so futuristic that it surely means they can start turning their attentions finally to the much delayed floating skateboards from Back To The Future and if those arrive I’m certain they’ll distract me from the number of decapitated garden gnomes from low flying Octocopters. Apparently at it’s peak Amazon sells 306 items per second so I Iook forward to swarms of drones blocking out the midday sun… I digress… Surely, somewhere amongst the millions of items available from this popular retailer, somewhere hidden in there must be the perfect gifts for everyone! Let’s see… “Presents for Dominique”
The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill… right… ok well I didn’t know she was that into her Churchill but the advancements in technology are so sophisticated I can only imagine it know better than me, and let’s face it that nodding dog is pretty darn witty. Oh, and a “Baby boy Dominique on board” car sign… perfect! That one will definitely go down well!
Right, delivery options… can I have mine delivered next day by floating skateboard please?