Aaaaaaannnnd we’re back! And better late than never – Happy New Year Everyone!
After a short Christmas break we’re back to help all of you newly engaged couples weave your way through the great wedding maze, and to those of you who got engaged over Christmas a great big massive CONGRATULATIONS!
This last couple of weeks has actually been the blog’s first ever break after nearly three years of posting top wedding tips and advice each and every day, and we’ve been taking the time to relax, have ourselves a merry little Christmas and come up with some new ideas to make Bride Vs Groom the best resource we possibly can for couples planning every kind of wedding. There are going to be some big changes coming soon but in the meantime, as always, if there’s anything you’d like us to post about then just let us know!
2015 is definitely set to be an exciting year and we’ve already been hearing from Brides and Grooms with some amazing weddings being planned all across the country, we can’t wait to see what you come up with! So, in true New Year’s tradition team Bride Vs Groom resolve to help you along every step of the way.
Have a great 2015,
The Gormless Groom, the Tog Bride and the Small (but definitely not quiet) Dog Paddington.